From the Jargon File (aka Hacker's Dictionary):
ASCII art: n. The fine art of drawing diagrams using the ASCII character set (mainly `|', `-', `/', `\', and `+'). Also known as `character graphics' or `ASCII graphics'
The Star Trek ASCII Art Archive has been online since 1999. All pictures are by Joshua Bell, unless otherwise noted. Any corrections to the attributions would be welcomed. Permission to re-use any ASCII art on this blog is granted, assuming attribution (if any) is retained.

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July 2, 2011

Various Klingon Starships

Not by me. If not noted, the artist is unknown (and attributions welcome)

Klingon D-7 Class Attack Cruiser

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`----- `-----------' | +---_/
| ====== ||

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// ---\__O__/--- \\
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\\ ___/~~O~~\___ //
====____/ \.. ../ \____====

====____\ /.. ..\ /____====
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Klingon Bird of Prey scout vessel
/ \
\ \
/ /
\ /
/ \
/ =/
(}-==( :[|
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\ /

Klingon D-7M Cruiser (Gym Z. Quirk aka Taki Kogoma)
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___-==++""" . /. . . \ . """++==-___
__-+"" __\ .. . . | .. . | . . . /__ ""+-__
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Vor'cha-class Attack Cruiser (Gym Z. Quirk aka Taki Kogoma)

.====___\ (__I_I__) /___====.
// -----="=----- \\
(_) (_)

B'rel Class (Sparrowhawk (Dave Henn))

| _________ .-~~~-..---..-~~~-. __________ |
| -~.--<<<<<<<`-...--'.---.`--...-'>>>>>>>--.~- |
| =~~.-~ ````\\_`(`._.')'_//'''' ~-.~~= |
| [(o)/ ``.._..'' \(o)] |
| ~-~ |
| Sparrowhawk (Dave Henn) |
| SUNY Buffalo School of Law A student <-> not an employee |
| Art by S.C.E.S.W. |

/ /\ ____-------____ /\ \
/ / /~--__ /~ ~\ __--~\ \ \
/ //' ~`----__\ /__----'~ `\\ \
[~|' | | `|~]
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__/___\__ "K't'nga Class Klingon
===~=====~=== Battle Cruiser"
~(~~~~~~ )~ (head-on)
\_ o _/ By Rohan Beckett

Signature Fodder

Remember when ASCII art was practically mandatory in your .sig file?

Yeah, I'm trying to forget those days too. This won't help.

# Galaxy-class Enterprise-D by Joshua Bell
1 ___.----~~~----.___
2 ,--------.-.,-'-------------------`
3 `--------"-'-.,---`~~~-----~~~'
4 '---'-._____/
# D'deridex-class Romulan Warbird by Joshua Bell
1 _...--'~~~'-.========--.
2 ,-'-,----,------\-,~~~~[@`-\
3 `-.-`----`------|='=====\_-|
4 `---.______.-' `|
# Constitution-class Enterprise-A by Joshua Bell
0 ________________ _
1 \__(=======/_=_/____.--'-`--.___
2 \ \ `,--,-.___.----'
3 .--`\\--'../
4 '---._____.|]
# Intrepid-class Voyager by Benjamin Chee
1 __,--=====-.__
2 _________,--'_,--'/_-__-___`--._
3 {======>________,._.-------------'
4 ``---._____/
# Cheyene-class by Joshua Bell
1 \========||==]_ ____
2 ~~~~~~~~`--. \ .-----'----`-----.
3 \========||==]<======================>
4 ~~~~~~~~~`-----' `----.__,----'
# Nebula-class by Joshua Bell
0 _______
1 [_______].----~~~----.___
2 /---/------------------`
3 .-------.-)~~-----~~~'
4 `-------"-'
# Defiant by Joshua Bell
0 _________________________
1 __.--'--,.-' ---------'--'--' /`-.__
2 |__--(--( | NX-74205 ==== /-----.`--._
3 `---.__\ --========)> |__|___)_> `-.
4 \_________|________/ `----'
# D'deridex-class Warbird by Sirius T. Bontea
0 ______
1 _.--~~""":"-`-----'`---._
2 /__ _.--. ____\|~~~~\*;___\
3 C|__l_ ~~ [____D' ____~\ =:
4 \_ `--' _=+='""""~~`--.j
5 `--..__,-~ '
# Yeager-class by Benjamin Bickle
0 ___ __,--=====-.__
1 /___\_____,--'_,--'/_-__-___`--._
2 \_/|_[-]_-_{**}_____,__\---------'
3 \ \_--------'
4 {======>