From the Jargon File (aka Hacker's Dictionary):
ASCII art: n. The fine art of drawing diagrams using the ASCII character set (mainly `|', `-', `/', `\', and `+'). Also known as `character graphics' or `ASCII graphics'
The Star Trek ASCII Art Archive has been online since 1999. All pictures are by Joshua Bell, unless otherwise noted. Any corrections to the attributions would be welcomed. Permission to re-use any ASCII art on this blog is granted, assuming attribution (if any) is retained.

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December 31, 2013

Archer Class U.S.S Sagittarius

Archer-class U.S.S Sagittarius (NCC-1894)
More Information

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                                     `----.______________.----'       \ [_](|-
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Miscellaneous 40x6

A handful of ships done on request. Some are FASA or SFB designs. The requirement was that they fit in 40x6 characters, which is quite constraining.
 __.----"---.--"-, (====================)
'------._.--.===\_____.-|  |-._.--.  `-'
             \        ,------------`

Excelsior-class Refit (Enterprise-B)
                    __               ___
 __.----"---.--"-, (=_\=================)
'------._.--.`--<_____.-|  |-._.--.  `-'
             \<______ ,------------`

Klingon D-4

,-"-._    ____________  ,--.___
(=====<===\___  ,--,-'`-'-.___/
 `--'         `-----._____`-. `--._
                          [||---## <  [
Klingon D-10

,-"-._             ______,--========,
(=====<=======,---'         \_______/_
 `--'        '-------------[[ ]###[]| ]

Klingon D-11

,-"-._      ___________________________
(=====<====/______,-' ---- [[_]####[]| |
 `--'             `--.____`--------|-"-"

Klingon D-18
//__\-----._________========\     /

Klingon D-27

`.__,-        `--.---.______ `--._
                  `--'   ___/____/_____
                        [ [[     | ====]

Romulan Bird-of-Prey

( | (::::::_________|__/
      __>.:::::::: `-._ _____      /
  ,--' . .`.:::::::::  `-._  `----'.

Romulan M-25
      _.-'____.--,------.___  \_]
     '---'    ,-' __,-'    _,-<_
           _,'---'     _,-'  ___|
      _,--'       _,--' `----'

Romulan R-3

,-' . . . --/_,-'     ,'         /  `-,
\,-------,--' _____,-'--.__    _,----"
   ,----"                __,--'

December 29, 2013

U.S.S. Bonaventure NCC-1000

U.S.S. Bonaventure NCC-1000
More Information

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                  ___|   |_________,-------' ___,-----.______   `----.__
                 /-| |   |------------------'                `-------|  |_
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U.S.S. Antares NCC-9844

U.S.S. Antares NCC-9844
More Information

                       |     ___\_____
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September 22, 2013

U.S.S. Bradford NCC-6182

U.S.S. Bradford NCC-6182
More Information

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                  `-,---------`------------.  \____   --`-----.___
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